Echi Primitivi – Musiche per Flauto dei Nativi Americani (2016)
(“Primitive Echoes – Music For Native American Flute”)
(P) & © 2016 Oreste Filippi
Music composed, performed and produced by Oreste Filippi
All instruments played by Oreste Filippi
Info & questions:
Album Tracklist:
1. Echi Nativi (9:25)
(“Native Echoes”)
2. Le Scorie del Tempo (9:41)
(“The Leavings of Time”)
3. Rosso Sole (I) (6:41)
(“Red Sun (I)”)
4. Processione di Stelle (5:43)
(“Procession of Stars”)
5. Orizzonti (5:20)
6. Danza Tribale (6:11)
(“Tribal Dance”)
7. Rosso Sole (II) (6:24)
(“Red Sun (II)”)
8. Vento dell’Ovest (6:10)
(“West Wind”)
9. Nel Profondo del Fuoco (9:40)
(“Deep in the Fire”)
10. Canto del Cervo (9:31)
(“Deer’s Song”)
